Re-Engage in Education

What we do

Re-Engage within the education system is a mix of interventions designed to help those who might not be operating at their optimum to get more out of their time in school.  Teenagers have enough going on in their world without having to struggle with issues of not achieving in education, or not fitting in, or conflicting with authority.  Re-Engage looks at ways to re-connect them with the mainstream and operate within the system in order to give them the chance of succeeding through their life.  "Train in, not select out" was a mantra used in the military to ensure that all comers were developed to the point where they met the required standard.  It is all too easy to fail somebody or cast them aside as being "not good enough" until that person is YOU!  Taking the easy option is not acceptable within the education system, and there is a way that more people can be helped to achieve their potential. 

Using mentors, that we train, we seek to provide an alternative adult role model within the educational setting.  The common factor with the mentors, they have all experienced life and want to share their learning.  We use sport and physical activity to develop confidence and form a healthy relationship, we co-ordinate the achievement of a project, and we major massively on communication.  We educate, developing some of the life skills that can easily be overlooked in today's education system.  One size doesn't fit all, and we cater for those who don't thrive in the mainstream, so that when we depart, they do thrive! 

We are not alternative provision, we aim to keep people away from this environment.  We aim to provide a "jolt" to get relationships back onto the right track so that mainstream provision actually works.  We seek to readdress values and behaviours so that relationships prosper.  That is not to say that we won't remain in contact as mentors to be leaned upon as required.... we will.